As Design Lead for Engie-owned tech startup Smart Buildings on their SMARTR SaaS and hardware products, I was responsible for all UX and UI design processes. These included research, journey mapping, design system creation and maintenance, UI design and prototyping.
Smart Buildings is a tech startup that helps businesses to reach their net zero, space and energy efficiency goals by providing cutting edge IOT devices and SaaS products to monitor, control, and optimise building infrastructure.

 Harnessing the power of product design to make complex and cutting-edge smart room technologies accessible and easy to use for everyday consumers. As the first UCD specialist employed by Smart Buildings, I was tasked with defining design workflows and processes as well as conducting a complete design overhaul of all user touchpoints.

One of the key initial tasks was defining and agreeing on ways of working and the design process with stakeholders. This included briefing documents, and agreed signoff milestones:
And the creation of examples of proposed use cases for new features and devices, suggested user flows and proposed user journeys.
Using these proposed journeys and requirements gathered from users and SME's, creating concepts for screens and dashboards that would make complex processes and hardware as simple and intuitive to use as possible. Shown below are the screen concepts for monitoring critical infrastructure systems at Calderdale Hospital.
A key component of the Smart Buildings' SaaS offering is Z3RO, a one stop native iOS app for commissioning and configuring the IOT devices in a given building. Designed and built using an atomic, component led approach and built in react native. As design lead I was responsible for everything from initial requirement gathering and user research through to hand over of fully interactive clickable wireframes to the development teams. 
Another SaaS offering is the SMARTR desktop, tablet and kiosk based office management system. This allows users to carry out tasks such as managing rooms and desks as well as monitor air quality and temperature. Requirements gathering, user journey mapping, storyboarding and design of all UI elements.

Kiosk functionality:
Room keypad/tablet screens:
Desktop room booking:

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